Hi-Lex TSK AT14 Dual Lever Control Box - Binnacle/Top Mount - Throttle and FWD/REV
HiLex Inboard Dual Lever Controls with a neutral safety switch. Brand new in the box and never installed. Binnacle / Top mount.
Compare to MVT543 Control Box
These HiLex AT14 controls use standard 33C type (threaded end) cables and have the neutral safety switch as shown. Fits OMC, Mercrusier, Volvo and a multitude of other inboard engines.
Included are cable connectors for OMC and Mercury products.
To avoid any confusion, one lever is FWD/NEUTRAL/REVERSE and the other lever is the throttle control. This is not for dual engines.
Volvo uses a direct connection with no connector needed.
Retail list price is $369, so save big here!