Svs760 Fish Finder Kit W Bronze ThruHull W Temp
Mfr # SVS-760TH1. SVS760 Dual Frequency Sounder 600W Kit wBronze Thru Hull Temp Transducer 30750200TCX The 50200kHz SVS760 sounder features powerful 600W output and a vertically oriented, sunlight viewable 75 color LCD display that optimizes presentation of bottom compositioncontour and fish targets beneath the vessel With depth ranges down to 4,800 feet, a highresolution color LCD display, clearly marked controls and large, easytouse controls, this sounder is ideal for professional users as well as serious sportfishing duty SITEX's digital sounding technology eliminates unwanted noise and provides a sharp image of the seabed and fish targets The unit's highspeed CPU delivers seamless zooming and provides superior readings even at higher boat speeds This powerful processor also ensures that even the smallest fish targets are presented on the display Among the SVS760's long list of professional sounder features are White LineBlack Line Bottom Discriminator to separate bottomhugging fish from the sea floor, AutoManual Gain and Range Selection, Bottom Lock, Bottom Zoom and AScope Users can select from various fish symbols based on the size and type of targets being marked For enhanced operation and awareness, alarms are provided for Depth, Fish School and Water Temperature The SVS760 also features an SD card slot, allowing fishermen to back up information and record data on important fishing spots Features 75 color LCD display 50200 kHz High resolution display SD card slot Includes ThruHull Transducer